Product Safety Statement: All of our products are officially licensed collectible prop replicas that are sold unsharpened and are intended for display only.

International Customers

We can ship worldwide to countries that allow swords. We cannot ship to the following countries: Greece, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, China as they do not allow swords.

Customers are responsible for researching their countries laws and if their country allows swords or requires a license prior to ordering. 

We can ship to Denmark and Italy, but the country requires recipients receive a special permit from the local police department first. 

Some products shipped to Victoria, Australia may require a permit as well. 

 Most countries levy import taxes on goods bought from over border or overseas. We're not responsible for these taxes and have nothing to do with them. When you order from us and we ship to an overseas or over border destination you should expect to be presented a customs bill upon delivery.  
Restrictions on HBO® Licensed Products
We can only ship HBO® licensed products to the following territories: USA & territories, Canada, the countries of the EU, UK,  Switzerland, Norway, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Singapore, Chile, Peru, Argentina, South Africa, Turkey, and the Phillipines. 
Specific Information for Canada UPS Shipments
 Canada Customs requires Canadian recipients to pay applicable duties and taxes on each shipment entering Canada. These charges may include PST, GST, HST, duties and other taxes of goods (e.g. excise tax).Canada standard is without the brokerage fee included unlike the express option which has it included taxes will still apply to both. A brokerage fee is also charged to process shipments and present the requisite customs paperwork to Canada Customs on the importer’s behalf. 
Your order will be shipped under UPS’s e-Tailer Brokerage Program (eBP), where eligible shipments imported into Canada for non-commercial purposes and valued under CAD$ 200 shipped via UPS Standard service are subject to a reduced brokerage fee of CAD$ 10, plus any applicable duties and taxes. Shipments valued at CAD$200 and above and/or being imported to Canada for commercial purposes and/or subject to specialized clearance may incur additional fees.
Please, be aware that UPS will request payment of these charges at the time of delivery. You have the ability to call UPS ahead of time (1-800-742-5877)  to pay these charges, eliminating the need for payment on delivery